C\ Gabiria nº 112-114-146 Pº Ventas
20305 Irún (Guipúzcoa) SPAIN
Tel.: +34 943 633 562 | Fax: +34 943 633 285
E-Mail: conatec@conatec.com

C\ Gabiria nº 112-114-146
Pº Ventas 20305
Irún (Guipúzcoa) SPAIN
Tel.: +34 943 633 562
Fax: +34 943 633 285
E-Mail: conatec@conatec.com


HC 300

HC300  - Sectores y equipos específicos -  Cerámica y Fusing Program regulator

Designed to be used in electric, gas and diesel ovens which require processes with different temperature levels.

General Characteristics

  • Box or panel assembly.
  • Capacity to store up to 9 programs, each made up by an optional waiting time and a maximum of 18 segments. Each segment has a ramp and a plateau to maintain the temperature.
  • A control output and two configurable alarms.
  • Configurable to control motorized valves by means of two relays without recopy or with 4-20mA output.
  • Permanent display of the temperature reading, the segment being performed, the state of the output control and the two alarms.
  • Dynamic graph of the program execution.
  • Possibility to program the gradients in ºC/h or by temperature and time.
  • PID regulation or ON/OFF with adjustable hysteresis.
  • Indication of broken thermocouple.
  • Indication of power failure.
  • Indication of inverted thermocouple.
  • Configurable for K, S and R thermocouples.
  • Calculation of energy consumption.


  • Power: 230VAC. +/-15%.
  • Consumption: 3VA.
  • Output controls with static relays 1A-24/230VAC.
  • Recommended operating temperature between 0 and 60ºC.
  • Relative humidity of operation between 0 and 80% without condensation.
  • EC standards.


  • Vertical format.
  • Medidas 102x166x50mm.
  • Front protection once mounted IP54.


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