C\ Gabiria nº 112-114-146 Pº Ventas
20305 Irún (Guipúzcoa) SPAIN
Tel.: +34 943 633 562 | Fax: +34 943 633 285
E-Mail: conatec@conatec.com

C\ Gabiria nº 112
Pº Ventas 20305
Irún (Guipúzcoa) SPAIN
Tel.: +34 943 633 562
Fax: +34 943 633 285
E-Mail: conatec@conatec.com



Conatec has a PC software for communication with the different equipment it manufactures.

General Characteristics

  • Operation on typical Windows operating systems.
  • Integral handling of all the equipment commands.
  • Display screens for the different statuses and operations.
  • Display and command screens both for setpoints and the different set-up parameters for the equipment.
  • Display of charts for the different control variable statuses.
  • Data storage on classifiable databases according to different criteria.
  • Option of exporting the data to Excel.
  • Option of remote communication with the equipment.
  • Operation with protection key.


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