C\ Gabiria nº 112-114-146 Pº Ventas
20305 Irún (Guipúzcoa) SPAIN
Tel.: +34 943 633 562 | Fax: +34 943 633 285
E-Mail: conatec@conatec.com

C\ Gabiria nº 112
Pº Ventas 20305
Irún (Guipúzcoa) SPAIN
Tel.: +34 943 633 562
Fax: +34 943 633 285
E-Mail: conatec@conatec.com



Frío, secado y fermentación industrial --> 970Regulator program

The controller 970 is based on a microprocessor and built into various modules, designed especially in order to govern drying chambers or defrosting chambers. This allows indefinite automatic operation or programmed operation with the possibility of establishing and memorising ten programmes with more than 15 phases each.

General Characteristics

  • Drying control: (not available in defrosters):
    - Because of humidity.
    - Because of GV_humidity.
    - Because of times.
    - Because of humidity and times.
  • Control of humid curing (not available in defrosters)
  • Conservation control chamber.
  • Use of the outside air (not available in defrosters).
  • Air refreshing (not available in defrosters).
  • Defrosting control: (not available in driers)
    - Normal
    - By probes
  • All the drying controls include temperature control during the process.
  • On-screen display of the following data:
    - Setpoint values.
    - Control and mode type (automatic or programmed).
    - Signalling of activations.
    - Breakdowns and alarms including a log.
    - Charts of the last two hours.
  • Communication with PC using SW6000.
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